3.50 ($0.00)
9.00 ($0.00)
3.03 ($0.00)
3.75 ($0.00)
5.00 ($0.00)
8.15 ($0.00)
11.00 ($0.00)
5.40 ($0.00)
2.80 ($0.00)
23.00 ($0.00)
1.95 ($0.00)
1.30 ($0.00)
60.00 ($0.00)

Investor Centre

How Does One Buy Securities
traded on the ECSE?

Establish an account at a licensed intermediary often termed as a broker-dealer firm. List of broker-dealers can be found elsewhere on this web site.

Complete the required forms in the offices of your broker- dealer.

Provide the broker-dealer with a photo ID of yourself.

Give the broker-dealer the necessary details of the sale, i.e. the shares you want to buy including the amount and the price you want to pay. If you are not sure of the price, you could consult the broker-dealer regarding the latest price at which your securities traded on the ECSE.

Give the broker-dealer the total amount of money for the transaction.

Wait for word from your broker-dealer to find out if your sale was successful.

Your broker-dealer should get back to you sometime after 3 p.m.

If you were successful, the broker-dealer should send you a confirmation statement giving you the details of your trade.

How Does One Sell Securities
traded on the ECSE?

Establish an account at a licensed broker-dealer firm.

Complete the required forms at the office.

Produce your Registry statement (received from the ECCSD) to show your Investor ID and Account Number and a picture ID.

Give the necessary details for your sale.

Wait for word from your broker to find out if your sale was successful.

Your broker should get back to you sometime after 3 p.m.

If you were successful, the broker should send you a confirmation statement giving you the details of your trade.

Investor Fees

Please click here to view Investor Fees PDF

Understanding Registry Statements

Registry Forms

1) Registry Account Maintenance From

An investor who wishes to change his or her mailing address, name or payment option details completes this form. The completed form should be notarized upon completion and accompanied by a notarized government issued picture ID.. However, if the form is completed in the presence of a licensed broker it should be signed and stamped by the broker before being submitted to the ECCSD.

Registry Account Maintenance Form (Individuals)
Registry Account Maintenance Form (Institutions)

2) Application For Addition/Removal of Shareholder(s)

If the existing holder(s) to an account wish(es) to add one or more holder(s) to the account, this form should be completed. Please note that the holder(s) to be added to the account should submit a certified copy of his/her/their photo ID (e.g. drivers license, social security card or passport) with the completed form. Also, please note that for joint accounts, all holders must sign for the request to be effected. The completed form should also be notarized or signed and stamped by a licensed broker. There is a processing fee of EC$25.00 for each addition.

This form is also used for the removal of a holder(s) from an account. Also, please note that for joint accounts, all holders must sign for the request to be effected. The completed form should also be notarized or signed and stamped by a licensed broker. The holder(s) to be retained should attach a certified copy of his/her/their photo ID (e.g. drivers license, social security card or passport) to the completed form. There is a processing fee of EC$25.00 for each removal.

Application for Addition/Removal of Shareholder(s)

3) Consolidation of Registry Account Numbers

For investors with single positions in multiple securities it is easier to house all of your securities in one account. Accounts held by the same holder(s) should be consolidated. One account can house multiple securities. Security holders wishing to consolidate their holdings into one account should complete and notarise this form. A certified copy of the security holder ID should accompany this form.

Registry Account Numbers Consolidation Form

4) Donation Transfer Form

A Shareholder or joint shareholders can donate all or a portion of their holding to a family member or to a registered Charity. To donate securities, complete this form and submit the completed form notarized or signed and stamped by a licensed broker to the ECCSD together with evidence of the family relationship or the registered Charity. A fee of EC$20.00 is applicable for this request.

Donation Transfer Form

5) Private Transfer Form (Individuals/Corporations)|
NOTE: This form is only for Non-Listed Companies

Shareholders wishing to transfer all or a portion of their holdings of securities that are not listed on the ECSE can do so via a Private Transfer. The completed form should be notarized or signed by a licensed Principal and stamped by the (Inland Revenue Department). A certified copy of the individual(s) photo ID (e.g. drivers license, social security card or passport) should be attached to the completed form.


Along with the completed notarized form additional documents are required as follows:

Selling Institution

Requires the name(s) and signature(s) of the authorised officer or officers of the corporation
Copy of the Company’s By-Laws or resolution of the Board of Directors authorising the transfer and naming the persons and their official positions authorised to make the transfer on behalf of the corporation
The registry transfer must have the corporation’s seal or if no seal a letter on the corporation’s letterhead stating that no seal exists

Buying Institution

Certificate of Incumbency
Articles of Incorporation and or certificate of continuity
The company’s authorised officer(s) name and signature(s) on the company’s letterhead

The fees payable for a Private Transfer are listed below:

# of Shares Transferred Fee Payable

0 – 10,000 Units $30.00 per party

10,000 – 100,000 Units $60.00 per party

Above 100,000 Units $150.00 per party

Private Transfer Form

6) Charging Form

Securities held in any ECSE listed or maintained by the ECCSD can be used as collateral. The lending institution or licensed broker if instructed to do so is required to complete this form for submission to the ECCSD.

The fees payable for Charges:
0.05% based on the value of securities charged, subject to a minimum of $100.00

NOTE: (Securities charged before the company contracted the services of the ECCSD and/or listed on the ECSE will be charged at the ECCSD without cost).

Charging Form

7) Transfer on Death Registration Request

This form is required to transfer the securities to the beneficiary(ries) of a deceased security holder. This form is also applicable where the securities are held in joint names and one of the holders is deceased. The completed form should be notarized or signed and stamped by the licensed broker. A copy of the beneficiary Id should also be submitted to the ECCSD. Also, certified copies of the deceased will or letters of Administration and death certificate should be attached. A fee of EC$20.00 is applicable for processing this request.

Transfer on Death Registration Request Form

8) Notice of Death of Joint Holder of Securities

This form is required to transfer the securities to the joint survivors of a deceased joint security holder.

Notice of Death of Joint Holder of Securities

9) Confirmation of Balances Form

10) Release of Charge

To release securities that have been charged to a lending institution, the Charge Release Form must be completed by the chargee and chargor and submitted to the ECCSD.

The fee payable for a Release of Charge is $20.00

Charge Release Form

11) Statutory Declaration of Chargee on Right to Enforce Charge

Under the Securities (Uncertificated Securities) Regulations, a Chargee who wishes to enforce his/her charge over securities must complete and submit the declaration on this form to the ECCSD.

Statutory Declaration of Chargee on Right to Enforce Charge Form

12) Request to Inspect and or Obtain Copies of a Register

A person who wishes to inspect or be provided with copies of companies’ registers must complete and submit this report form to the ECCSD.

Schedule of Applicable Fees

Inspection of Registers


Inspection by Members/Directors/Officers
Inspection by All Persons other than those above


Provision of Extract/ Copy of Register to Any Person

Fee EC$

Entire Register: Printed copy (plus costs*) 120.00$ plus $1.00 per page

Entire Register: Electronic copy (plus costs) 75.00$ plus cost of any media used

Extract from Register: Printed copy (plus costs*) 95.00$ plus $1.00 per page

Extract from Register: Electronic copy (plus costs) 105.00$ plus cost of any media used

Request to Inspect and or obtain copies of a Register Form